Concierge Hat Club
Hat Bar Events
Custom Hats
Hat Bars, what the? No worries, they are new around here. You're ahead of the trend.
Hat Bars have been super popular in places like Wyoming, Montana, Colorado and Tennessee for a long time but this fun trend is catching on in the Midwest too! It makes sense because of our love of sunshine, being outside, and live music!
Hat Bars are a fun activity for a variety of events. We would love to join you at your next party!
Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties
Mother's Day Brunches
Birthday Parties
Non-Profit Fundraising Events
Boutique Pop-Ups
You name it, CHC brings some fun to it!
Hat Bar not your jam, but you love the idea of a custom hat? I can totally do that! Message me and we can get working on a custom hat for you.
Commissioned hats are so much fun and I love the consultative process of getting you something you love or a gift made for someone you love!
We will work together to design and render you a hat you will love.
We supply different types of hats and all sorts of flare and accessories.
We try to use a lot of up cycled materials and we can even use pieces you want incorporated into your hat. Some of our favorite we have been given by clients for their commissoned hats are heirlooms and souvenirs like concert tickets or seashells.